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S.No. Name of Office Name of the Publication Publish Date Console Sl. No.
101 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Awareness campaign on 'Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana' - reg. size:(511.73 KB) .
Download the open & PDF files of designs of Poster/Banner and Leaflets/Handbill. size:(52.52 KB) .
2020-10-14 131/2020
102 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Download the pdf n open files of Guidelines (Booklets), Pamphlets & Posters size:(70.49 KB) .
2020-10-09 127/2020
103 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Covid-19 Safe Workplace Guidelines for Industry and Establishment - Hindi size:(24.35 KB) .
2020-09-29 126/2020
104 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Covid-19 Safe Workplace Guidelines for Industry and Establishment. size:(24.35 KB) .
2020-09-29 125/2020
105 Regional Office, North East Region ( Assam ) ESIC DAY CELEBRATION AND SPECIAL SERVICE FORTNIGHT-2020 size:(574.89 KB) .
2020-02-28 93/2020
106 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Designs of ESIC Panels size:(6.71 MB) .
Design of ESIC Panels size:(140.83 KB) .
Pamphlet - ESIC at a Glance size:(2.52 MB) .
Pamphlet - New Initiative/Achievements of ESIC size:(1.80 MB) .
2020-02-18 91/2020
107 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Awareness on opening of Dispensary-cum-Branch Office size:(505.75 KB) .
Designs of Banner, Pamphlet and Posters size:(63.65 KB) .
2020-02-17 90/2020
108 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Diary - 2020 size:(24.35 KB) .
2019-12-10 83/2019
109 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Calender 2020 size:(24.35 KB) .
2019-12-10 82/2019
110 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESI Samachar - December 2019 size:(24.35 KB) .
2019-12-10 81/2019

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-01-14



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