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S.No. Name of Office Name of the Publication Publish Date Console Sl. No.
111 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESI Samachar - June 2019 size:(24.35 KB) .
2019-08-13 65/2019
112 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Branch office Manual Book size:(2.47 MB) .
शाखा कार्यालय नियम पुस्तिका size:(3.16 MB) .
2019-07-10 61/2019
113 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Issuance of Health Passbook to Beneficiaries to maintain Health Records of IPs and their Dependants. size:(1.42 MB) .
Health Passbook Specification size:(14.94 KB) .
Design 1 Hindi size:(1.87 MB) .
Design 1 English size:(1.82 MB) .
Design 2 Hindi size:(2.14 MB) .
Design 2 English size:(2.07 MB) .
Design 3 Hindi size:(2.16 MB) .
Design 3 English size:(2.10 MB) .
Design 4 Hindi size:(2.23 MB) .
Design 4 English size:(2.15 MB) .
Design 5 Hindi size:(2.15 MB) .
Design 5 English size:(2.11 MB) .
Design Regional Language size:(2.20 MB) .
Health Passbook Open File size:(5.85 KB) .
2019-04-15 51/2019
114 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Issuance of Health Passbook to the beneficiaries to Maintain health Record if IPs and their Dependants- reg size:(1.04 MB) .
Health Passbook size:(3.99 MB) .
Health Passbook CDR/Open File size:(44.76 KB) .
Health Passbook Specification size:(120.57 KB) .
2019-02-06 37/2019
115 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Development of Creative of ESIC calendar & Diary 2019 ad Posters/ Leaflets/Brochure and Display / Distribution of the Same - reg size:(389.50 KB) .
ESIC Diary size:(2.37 MB) .
2019-02-01 36/2019
116 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Brief on ESI Samachar -December, 2018 size:(1.22 MB) .
Concept Note on ESIC Calendar -2019 size:(1.24 MB) .
ESIC Calendar - 2019 size:(10.75 MB) .
ESI Samachar -December, 2018 size:(24.23 MB) .
ESIC Calendar Open / CDR File - 2019 size:(51.16 KB) .
2019-01-18 35/2019
117 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Annual Report- 2017-18. size:(6.85 MB) .
2019-01-10 34/2019
118 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Ayurveda Offering Herbal Healing Book in English size:(2.88 MB) .
Ayurveda Offering Herbal Healing Book in Hindi size:(9.08 MB) .
2018-11-02 33/2018
119 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Updated Operational Manual- 2018 of Dispensary Cum Branch Office (DCBO) size:(1.58 MB) .
2018-10-30 32/2018
120 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Operational Manual- 2018 of Dispensary Cum Branch Office (DCBO) size:(1.56 MB) .
2018-10-09 31/2018

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-01-14



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