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S.No. Name of Office Name of the Publication Publish Date Console Sl. No.
1 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Leaflet for Medical Education size:(2.29 MB) .
Leaflet for Maternity Benefit size:(4.72 MB) .
Leaflet for Dependent Benefit size:(4.14 MB) .
Leaflet for Medical Benefit size:(4.50 MB) .
Leaflet for Health Benefit size:(2.42 MB) .
Leaflet for Disability Benefit size:(3.72 MB) .
Leaflet for Aadhar Seeding size:(1.19 MB) .
Leaflet for Atal Beema size:(856.38 KB) .
2025-01-06 798/2025
2 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Calendar 2025 size:(4.33 MB) .
Open File of ESIC Calendar 2025 size:(49.32 KB) .
2025-01-03 797/2025
3 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi ESI Samachar October - November, 2024 size:(176.26 KB) .
2024-11-30 781/2024
4 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Financial Estimates and Performance Budget size:(24.99 KB) .
2024-10-01 771/2024
5 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi ESI Samachar August - September size:(24.99 KB) .
2024-10-01 770/2024
6 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi यूनिपोल पर बैनर पोस्टर प्रदर्शित किए जाने के सम्बंध में। size:(118.58 KB) .
Link for Creatives on seeding of Aadhar Number with ESIC and generation of ABHA. size:(323.71 KB) .
Please find the below link for ESIC Hoarding. size:(56.37 KB) .
2024-09-24 769/2024
7 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi राजभाषा अनुदेशों का संकलन size:(176.26 KB) .
2024-09-23 767/2024
8 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Employers Guide Book size:(2.30 MB) .
Role and Responsibilities of the State Governments size:(2.51 MB) .
Employee Guide Booklet size:(24.93 KB) .
Medical Services North-Eastern States size:(24.93 KB) .
2024-09-10 762/2024
9 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Legal Framework Document In English size:(6.70 MB) .
Legal Framework Document In Hindi size:(176.26 KB) .
2024-08-30 757/2024
10 ESIC Model Hospital, Phulwarisharif, Patna, Bihar Preventive Health Checkup Camps organized on 17.08.2024 to 23-08-2024. size:(802.26 KB) .
2024-08-29 756/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-10



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