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S.No. Name of Office Name of the Publication Publish Date Console Sl. No.
61 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Special campaign 2.0 for disposal of Pending Matters from 02nd October, 2022 to 31st October, 2022 size:(156.90 KB) .
2022-10-06 347/2022
62 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi वित्तीय प्राक्कलन एवं निष्पादन बजट 2022-23 size:(5.26 MB) .
2022-09-21 345/2022
63 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Statistical Abstract 2020-2021 size:(2.30 MB) .
2022-09-20 344/2022
64 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Standard Note on ESI Scheme as on 01.01.2022 -Hindi size:(2.85 MB) .
Standard Note on ESI Scheme as on 01.01.2022 size:(424.33 KB) .
Standard Note on ESI Scheme as on 01.01.2022 size:(890.72 KB) .
2022-07-21 334/2022
65 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi सांख्यिकीय विवरणिका -Statistical Brochure size:(7.92 MB) .
2022-07-13 331/2022
66 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC at a Glance - Leaflet of the year 2022 -Hindi size:(1.91 MB) .
ESIC at a Glance - Leaflet of the year 2022 size:(4.21 MB) .
2022-06-28 325/2022
67 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Creatives for Publicity of activities being undertaken by Field offices, Hospitals during the period 7th June, 2022 to 21st June, 2022 on the occasion of International Day of Yoga -reg. size:(163.95 KB) .
2022-06-03 320/2022
68 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Audit Report 2019-20 size:(8.60 MB) .
Audit Report 2020-21 size:(5.95 MB) .
2022-04-26 252/2022
69 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Booklet Swasth Bharat Samridh Bharat size:(5.21 MB) .
ESIC Booklet Swasth Bharat Samridh Bharat- Hindi size:(5.51 MB) .
2022-03-08 234/2022
70 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi Annual Report 2020-2021 size:(5.14 MB) .
2022-03-04 233/2022

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-10



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