उप क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय, तिरुपति Sub Regional Office, Tirupati,
उप क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय, तिरुपति Sub Regional Office, Tirupati,



The ESI Act is applicable to all non-seasonal factories employing 10 or more persons [Section -1(2) read with Section 2(12) and Section 2(19A)]. The State Goverments have extended the coverage under Section 1(5) of the Act to Shops, Hotel, Restaurants, Cinema including preview theatres, Road-motor transport undertakings, Newspaper establishments, Private Medical Institutions, Educational Institutions and to contract and casual employees of Municipal Corporation/Municipal Bodies employing 10 or more persons in the certain States/UTs, where State Govt. is the appropriate Govt.

The Central Govt. has extended the coverage under Section 1(5) to Shops, Hotels, Restaurants, Road Motor Transport establishments, Cinema including preview theatres, Newspaper establishments, establishment engaged in Insurance Business, Non-Banking Financial Companies, Port Trust, Airport Authorities, Warehousing establishments employing 20 or more Persons, where Central Govt. is the appropriate Govt.

The existing wage limit for coverage under the Act, effective from 01.01.2017, is Rs.21,000/- per month (Rs.25,000/- per month in the case of Persons with Disability).


The ESI Scheme is now notified 668 Districts in 36 States and Union Territories, which include 565 fully notified districts and 103 partially notified districts where scheme is notified in Districts Headquarters Area & in Prominent Industrial Centers Under Section 1(3) of ESI Act, 1948.

The Scheme is yet to be notified in 135 districts. The status of notification District wise is  annexed.

Coverage Position (As on 31st March 2023)
No. of Insured Persons 3.42 Crores
No. of Employees 3.05 Crores
Total No. of Beneficiaries 13.30 Crores
No. of Insured women 67.60 Lakhs
No. of Employers, etc 20.83 Lakhs

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-07-01



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