Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
31 Med.VI 31-01-2025 Corrigendum - Revision of Manpower of ESIC Model Hospital, Jhilmil as per New Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries size:(81.29 KB) .
2025-01-31 19718/2025
32 Med.VI 31-01-2025 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Hospital Manesar per New Human Resource Norms For ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries size:(546.57 KB) .
2025-01-31 19717/2025
33 Med.VII 31-01-2025 Nomination of Medical Professionals for Haj Pilgrimage 2025- Deputation from ESIC Hospitals-reg size:(151.99 KB) .
2025-01-31 19716/2025
34 Med.VI 31-01-2025 Continuation of Existing Sanctioned Strength of Medical Officers in Homeopathy & Ayurveda in Various ESIC Hospitals size:(87.96 KB) .
2025-01-31 19714/2025
35 Med.VI 31-01-2025 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Hospital, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand as per New Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries. size:(391.79 KB) .
2025-01-31 19713/2025
36 E.I 31-01-2025 Final all India Seniority List in respect of Junior Engineer(Civil) as on 31.03.2018. size:(116.84 KB) .
2025-01-31 19711/2025
37 Med. VII 31-01-2025 List of vacancy position for Transfer, Posting of Nursing Cadre officers Employees posts-reg. size:(156.15 KB) .
2025-01-31 19710/2025
38 Med.VII 30-01-2025 Date extension :- Activation of Online Portal for Nursing Cadre Officers/Employees (Group A & B) in ESIC for Annual General Transfers- ‘Transfer Year 2025’-Reg size:(141.52 KB) .
2025-01-30 19703/2025
39 E.VI 30-01-2025 वित्त वर्ष 2025-2026 के लिए निधियों का बजट आबंटन। size:(1.58 MB) .
Budget Allotment of Funds for Financial Year 2025-2026 size:(202.32 KB) .
वर्तमान वित्त वर्ष 2024-2025 के लिए निधियों का परिशोधित आबंटन-हिन्दी size:(218.20 KB) .
Revised Allotment of Fund for the Current Financial Year 2024-2025 size:(194.99 KB) .
Annexure A size:(1.05 MB) .
Annexure B size:(1.23 MB) .
2025-01-30 19702/2025
40 General 30-01-2025 Provision of telephone facilities and reimbursements to Medical officers of ESIC- Implementation of Delhi High Court Judgement-reg. size:(109.29 KB) .
Office Memorandum size:(1.77 MB) .
2025-01-30 19694/2025

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-15



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