Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
21 E.VI 04-02-2025 General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi 2025-Paid Holiday-reg. size:(783.41 KB) .
2025-02-04 19753/2025
22 General 04-02-2025 Temporary Closure of Holiday Home for Repairs and other Civil works reg. - Tirupati size:(1.41 MB) .
2025-02-04 19747/2025
23 E.I 04-02-2025 Final all India Seniority List in respect of Junior Engineer(Civil) as on 31.03.2018. size:(116.84 KB) .
2025-02-04 19746/2025
24 PMD 03-02-2025 Ministry of Health & Family Welfare direction for review and strengthen capacities for prevention, preparedness and mitigation against fire accidents in all health facilities. - reg. size:(6.73 MB) .
2025-02-03 19741/2025
25 Med.VI 03-02-2025 Vacancy position of Medical Superintendent at ESICH Rajajinagar along with the vacant posts of Teaching Faculty in Dental Colleges. size:(522.82 KB) .
2025-02-03 19740/2025
26 E.I 03-02-2025 Office Order No. 24 of 2025 w.r.t Social Security Officers size:(113.29 KB) .
2025-02-03 19739/2025
27 E.I 03-02-2025 Office Order No. 23 of 2025 w.r.t Assistant Director size:(160.15 KB) .
2025-02-03 19738/2025
28 Med.VI 03-02-2025 List of vacancy position as per functional requirement for Transfer/Posting of Group "B" Paramedical Cadre officers/Employees posts-reg. size:(392.26 KB) .
2025-02-03 19731/2025
29 PR 31-01-2025 Observance of 74th ESIC Foundation Day & Special Services Fortnight – 2025 – reg. size:(129.86 KB) .
2025-01-31 19722/2025
30 E.II 31-01-2025 Seeking Option for choice stations through online module from Personal Assistant for Annual General Transfer for the Transfer Year -2025 – reg size:(89.06 KB) .
2025-01-31 19721/2025

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-15



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