Instructions / Circulars / Orders

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S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
121 RC Cell 23-12-2024 Rate Revision under DGESIC Rate Contract 156-reg. size:(789.35 KB) .
2024-12-23 19246/2024
122 Med.VI 23-12-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Model Hospital, Chandigarh, Punjab as per New Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries size:(566.83 KB) .
2024-12-23 19245/2024
123 Med.VI 23-12-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Hospital Model Ezhukone per New Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries size:(490.43 KB) .
2024-12-23 19243/2024
124 E.II 23-12-2024 All India revised Final Gradation Seniority list of Head Clerk Assistant in the Level 6 of 7th CPC for the year 2014 -15 Reg size:(107.54 KB) .
All India revised Final Gradation Seniority list of Head Clerk Assistant in the Level 6 of 7th CPC for the year 2015 -16Reg. size:(332.05 KB) .
2024-12-23 19242/2024
125 E.I 20-12-2024 Transfer posting policy of officers including cadres of Official Language, Engineering and Personal Staff on the Administrative side of ESI Corporation drawing scale of pay corresponding to Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ officers of the Central Government size:(1.07 MB) .
2024-12-20 19229/2024
126 राजभाषा 20-12-2024 हिंदी के प्रयोग को प्रोत्साहन देने के लिए शील्ड हेतु वर्ष 2023-2024 की प्रविष्टियां आमंत्रित करना । size:(551.97 KB) .
2024-12-20 19224/2024
127 Med.V 19-12-2024 Revoking the Blacklisting of Ms Unicure India Ltd.-reg. size:(323.46 KB) .
2024-12-19 19210/2024
128 Med.V 19-12-2024 Declaration of Drug Not of Standard Quality on Testing-reg size:(1.22 MB) .
2024-12-19 19209/2024
129 Med.VI 19-12-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Hospital, Angul, Odisha as per NewHuman Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries. size:(315.25 KB) .
2024-12-19 19208/2024
130 Med.VI 19-12-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESIC Hospital, Adityapur, Jharkhand as perNew Human Resource Norms for ESIC Hospitals and Dispensaries. size:(316.88 KB) .
2024-12-19 19207/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-02-14



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