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71 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Grant of Dearness Relief Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners-Revised Rate Effected from 01.01.2017 size:(1.01 MB) .
72 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Booking of TOR/ Holiday Home of ESI Corporation by the ESIC. Pensioners-Simplification of Procedure Thereto size:(110.96 KB) .
73 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Monitoring of follow up action on the Cabinet Decision and Important Observations/Suggestions under e-samiksha Portal – Review of Cases under FR 56(J) and Rule 48(1) (b) of CSS (Pension) Rules 1971 size:(114.37 KB) .
74 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Monitoring of Follow up action on the Cabinet Decisions and important Observations/Suggestions under e-Samiksha Portal �“ Review of Cases under FR 56(J) and Rule 48(1)(b) of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 size:(107.53 KB) .
75 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Booking of TOR/ Holiday Home of ESI Corporation by the ESIC Pensioners-Simplification of Procedure there to. size:(111.82 KB) .
76 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi ESIC Pensioners Medical Scheme- 2006- Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance size:(269.80 KB) .
77 क.रा.बी. निगम क.रा.बी. निगम पेंशनभोगी चिकित्सा योजना के अंतर्गत नामांकन हेतु एकबारगी अवसर l size:(356.52 KB) .
78 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Revision of pension of pre 2006 pensioners - delinking of revised pensionfrom qualifying service of 33 years -reg. size:(530.20 KB) .
79 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Grant of dearness relief to Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - revised rate effective from 01.01.2016. size:(1.57 MB) .
80 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi Revision of pension of pre-2006 Pensioners Inclusion of NPA in revision of pension of retired Medical Officers size:(630.90 KB) .

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-27



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